Thursday 4 December 2014

Status Bubbles

I think the status bubble should have your first name only because then people don't know your last name. Not your age because its not nice to ask a lady her age and people may take advantage of people age. Yes to relationship status because then people can see if your in a relationship or not.
I would have the mood thing as well to so people can see your mood if your in a good mood or a bad. I would only have the medical information come up when your being seen by a doctor , Ambulance officer or at the hospital. I would also put up Education saying if you were in University, Collage, Intermediate or Primary and what year you are in. I would put in the skills so people an see what you are good at and if you can see if the share some of the same likings as you.

I would also have like a message and video chat thing installed in the status bubble so you can chat to people.

I think this would change day to day life because people would be able to see your Status Bubble and all the things on it so yo wouldn't have to ask people stuff that you can see on the Status Bubble.

I think I would like this because you can see what people mood are and if there in a relationship or not and chat with people with thought i think it would be cool

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Girl College Orientation

Today we went to girls college for an orientation. We met the big four who consist of the head girl (Ana Morris) deputy head girl (Rose Barker), sports coordinator (Naomi Stewart) and arts director (Pip Artus). We met our deans Miss Valentine and Mr Chapman. The school was massive and I totally knew that I was going to get lost on the first day. I really looking forward to Drama cause all of my friends say that I'm really dramatic and I'm also looking forward to the canteen. We had to make sure all our information was right and we had to fill out a sheet of paper that said our name and date and what we are looking forward to and what we wanted to learn or discover by the end of college, then apparently it goes into a capsule and then at the end of our college years they take it out and we can see what we wrote before we were even at college. It was really interesting and cool to see what college I'm going to next year.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge Reflection

Movie Challenge reflection

Embed your movie into your blog. Write a reflection underneath that outlines
more serious

1. What your group did well?
I think we worked well together and we all had a good time recording.

2. What would YOU do differently next time?
I would probably take my part more seriously and remember my mufti clothes so i didn't have to wear uniform

3. Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
Maybe more back line to the story and better interview at the end. 
I don't think we need to improve Teamwork but maybe being a bit more sensible. The think the message was good. Probably could have been more dramatic but the camera angles were ok, we probably should have tried more angles but we ran out of time.  We could have talked louder and the sound could have been better but we manage to enhance it on imovie.


Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie

Quality of message -
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme

Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention

Sound quality
Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Sunday 9 November 2014

Waimarino - A paddle

I slept in. Thats it, thats all to it. When one of my fellow paddles said (after I woke up) "OMG did you see that girl with the blonde hair fail or that boy with the black hair being a wuss and not going on the Tarzan Swing" I would reply with simple "No I did not". Well anyway I was rudely awakened by some other paddle. I was about to yell at them when a hand grabbed hold of me. I was jerked off the stand, I didn't mind though some people were rougher.

The girl put me in her kayak and was pushed off the dock. She paddled towards the boat on the left side of the river, she then started yelling at her friends and I suddenly realised how anti-warm the river actually was. She paddled fast and we soon rafted up, on her left side was a boy with brown hair and on her right side was a man with barley any hair at all. I must have fallen asleep again because I don't remember anything until she kneeled on her kayak then she started to stand. She looked around to make sure nobody was near her. She suddenly sat down and started paddling quite fast towards another one of her class mates, a girl. She bumped into the girls kayak the girl went over board and was thrown into the the chilly water. She cracked up laughing and she nearly fell of her kayak in the process, the girl that went over yelling "RACHEL". So I guess her name was Rachel.

When she next stood up of her kayak a different boy with brown hair raced towards her like a bullet, and at the last moment she spotted him and "tried" to sit back back. The key word here is tried, and he rammed into her full speed she fall overboard, and when she tried to get back up the kayak moved and it flipped over dragged me unwillingly with it. "COLD, COLD, COLD" I screamed in my head. Then the kayak and I were lifted onto another kayak and the procedure went about of getting the water out of the her kayak. The suddenly "Oh I got water in my kayak" was sounded and a quick "sorry" was replied.

We rafted up a couple more times then we headed back in and Rachel jumped out of her kayak. "Not again" I groaned in my head but she got back in her kayak but her friend that she had pushed out earlier wasn't so lucky so her friend held onto the back of the our kayak and the front of her kayak and we dragged her into the dock. All I could think about was hanging up in the stand and getting a good nights sleep.

Monday 3 November 2014

Where Is the Deepest Place On Earth?

In the pacific ocean to the southeast of Japan, there is a very deep trench called the Mariana trench, and at the southern tip there is a small part called the Challenger Deep

With a measured depth of approximately 35,797 feet (10, 910.9 metres) below sea level, a journey to the bottom of the Challenger Deep is nearly seven miles (11.2654 kilometres), making it the deepest known place on Earth.

The Challenger Deep is named after a British Royal Navy ship called the HMS Challenger. The Challenger was the first ship to measure the depths of what is now known as the Challenger Deep.

The trench was measured by “sounding,” which involves dropping a very long line with a weight at the end into a body of water.

Only four descend to the challenger deep have ever been successful.

The first was in 1960 by a vessel called the Trieste. Trieste’s journey into the trench took almost five hours, while its return to the surface took three hours and 15 minutes.

The second was the in 1995 by an unmanned deep-sea robotic probe named Kaiko.

The third was took place in 2009, when the U.S. Navy sent the Nereus on an exploration. The Nereus is a hybrid remotely-operated vehicle, also known as an HROV.
The Nereus spent more than 10 hours at the bottom of the Challenger Deep, sending live video and data back to a ship at the surface.

The fourth and final was 2012 by solo-diver James Cameron in the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Life Education

Before and after photo

Methamphetamine or P is potentially a very addictive drug. It belongs to a group of drugs known as 'Stimulants' and works by releasing high levels of the brain chemical dopamine, stimulating brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement.

In New Zealand it is most commonly known as P but other names include Meth, Speed, Pure, Crystal, Ice, Crystal Meth, Crank and Glass.

Methamphetamine can be snorted, smoked, injected or eaten.

The short term effects include increased alertness, paranoia, hallucinations, insomnia, loss of appetite and many more.

Long term effects can include fatal kidney and lung disorders, brain damage, depression, violent and aggressive behavior, lowered resistance to illness and weight loss.

The story of William who killed his daughter Coral.

They arrived at the South Featherston School about 8.17am. It was pouring with rain. Storm got out and ran inside but Coral refused.

Williams later told police she got cheeky to him and he "lost the plot". The police summary of evidence records that he "flew into a rage such as he had never before experienced".
From the driver's seat he reached into the back, half climbing over the seat to punch Coral repeatedly, holding her with one hand while hitting with the other.
He broke her jaw in two places, just below the right ear and on her chin. Her jawbone was protruding on the left-hand side of her face.
Her blood was everywhere, including all over his hands and her face. The autopsy concluded that the bleeding from her mouth would have been "torrential".
When Williams' rage abated, Coral was collapsed on the car floor unconscious. None of the other parents arriving with their children apparently noticed what had occurred.
In a panic Williams drove off, heading south away from town.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

My Picture Book

Book titled 'The Monster All Covered With Red'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Wednesday Hockey Training

This Wednesday, we had hockey training. We started off with passes and hits, then we did a drill that makes you go around a defender instead of through. After that we spilt up into 2 groups. one group was doing PC practices and the other was playing a mini game. Then we joined together and did a whole heap of proper PC's. The Friday it the final and we are versing our boys for 1st and 2nd, anmd we are down to players but we are all confident we will win and if we don't its still a Tauranga Intermediate Team the is going to win.

Monday 15 September 2014

Aims Games

We played against Owera College at Bethlehem College and we won the game 3-0. The positions I played were Left Inner, Left Wing and Center Forward. The skills I needed to work on for that game was my backwards sweep, because instead of doing a backwards sweep I'm trying to run in a circle away from the player.

We played against St Margret's at the Blake Park Hockey Turf and we lost that game 0-2. The positions I played Left Inner, Left Wing and Center Forward. I need to work on my indian dribble and my control of the ball.

We played against Palmerston North Intermediate at Blake park and we lost that game 2-1. The position I played were Left Wing. In this game we had a horrible ref, so when I scored a goal in the last 30 seconds. The ref called it as a 16, so that means it was a no goal so we lost that game.

We played against Kamo Intermediate at Blake Park we won that game 1-0. The positions I played were Left Wing and Center Forward. In this game we were aggressive and we all helped in defence and attack we stopped more than one of there chances at goal and we attack all together when trying to score a goal.

Friday was our finals and we were playing for 5th and 6th. We played against St Margret's again but sadly we lost that game 0-2. But we were all really proud that we got into top 10 and we got the same placing as last year.

Before all the game we did our chant. our chants goes like this

" You might be good at basket ball, you might be good at track
But when it comes to hockey you might as well step back
Say what, oh snap, you might as well step back
Tauranga on 3, 1, 2, 3 TAURANGA

Here are some photos

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Wednesday Training

Today (3.9.14) we had after school training. Firstly we worked on Indian dribble. We worked on strokes, these are something that happens when the game is in a tie. The penalty stroke is taken by a single attacker in the circle, against the goalkeeper, from a spot 6.4 m from goal. The ball is played only once at goal by the attacker using a push, flick or scoop stroke. If the shot is saved, play is restarted with a 15 m hit to the defenders. When a goal is scored, play is restarted in the normal way. then we played a game red against blue. I was in the red team.

Sunday 31 August 2014

America's Favorite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

America's Favorite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

Article Comprehension:

1. Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?

On Saturday, August 23rd, over 300 people lined up outside Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington D.C., to participate in the first birthday celebration of one of its cutest and most precious residents - America's favorite giant panda cub, Bao Bao.

While first birthdays are always special, this one was even more so, given that only one other giant panda born at the National Zoo, Bao Bao's brother Tai Shan, has survived to celebrate this all-important milestone. Both, are offspring of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian - giant pandas on loan from China as part of the conservation effort to revive the dwindling population of these beautiful animals. The zoo's first panda couple, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing that were a gift from the government of China, bore five cubs. Unfortunately, all of them perished within a few days!

2. How did the zookeepers celebrate it?

It was therefore no wonder that the zookeepers went all out to celebrate themomentous occasion. In keeping with ancient Chinese tradition, the party commenced with the young panda being offered a choice of three honey-dipped bamboo shoots. Next to each, was a colorful hand-painted poster labeled 'Long Life,' 'Good Health' and 'Many Cubs'. Given that the panda's first choice is believed to predict its future, it was fortunate that Bao Bao immediately gravitated to the'Long Life' bamboo.

Of course, bamboo sticks were not the only treats in store for this cutie-pie whose name means 'precious' or 'treasure'. The zoo's nutrition department had also made a delectable tiered cake that was crafted from frozen diluted apple juice and dyed various shades of pink, with beet juice. Frozen in between, were slices of Bao Bao's favorite fruits - apples and pears. Flower appliques carved from carrots and sweet potatoes adorned the top and a large number '1', carved from frozen apple juice, completed the perfect treat. Like any one-year-old, Bao Bao attacked his birthday cake with a vengeance and kept it in a tight embrace, until it was all gone.

3. What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?
While Bao Bao may still look tiny, the cub who spends her days wrestling with a blue cylinder-shaped buoy filled with sand and sleeping on her favourite hemlock tree, has come a long way from the wriggling pink baby who was the size of a stick of butter, when born. The smart panda who now weighs a healthy 44lbs, has even learnt to respond to her name and stand tall on the scale, during her monthly weigh-ins. Bao Bao's keepers are now hoping to teach her to present her paw when she needs to get her blood drawn and lie down, during her monthly ultrasound.As the year progresses, she will gradually stop drinking her mother's milk and then just like pandas in the wild, move away from 'home', which in Bao Bao's case means shifting to a separate enclosure. Of course, this will only be a temporary home. That's because at the age of five, Bao Bao will follow her brother's footsteps and head to the special giant panda breeding program at the Wolong Nature Reserve in China's Sichuan Province.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today (25.8.14) we went to the Whare Kai for a talk about Dangerous Decibels. The lady that who was going to talk to us was called Toni. She talked to us about how sounds are actually vibrations and that that safe decibels sound is 85 so a washing machine, food mixer, piano practice and rain are all safe to hear at 50 - 80 decibels, but a heavy metal concert, firecrackers, and a bass Drum at 1 metre are dangerous and are ranging from 130 - 150 decibels.

We did a test with tuning fork and a ping pong ball. first we hit it on the floor and then bought it up to our ear. Then we hit it on the ground again and placed the tuning fork against our hand lightly. After that we hit it on the ground and placed it against the pingpong ball. The reaction was the pingpong ball bounced and then came back and bounced again. This showed the vibrations of your ear when the decibels were safe. But then we hit it on the ground 5 times and put the tuning fork against it and the pingpong ball went crazy bouncing higher and higher each time it hit the ball. This showed the vibrations of your ear when the decibels are dangerous.

Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

Article Comprehension:

1. How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?
Trampoline parks are sprouting up all across the world. However, they all pale in comparison to Bounce Below - the world's biggest underground trampoline park that opened in the historic slate mining town of Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales, on July 3rd. Nestled in a massive cavern that is located inside a 100ft deep and 60ft wide former slate mine, it provides visitors with a bouncing experience like none other.

2. What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?
Visitors to Bounce Below begin their journey with a safety briefing, after which they all don overalls and safety helmets and embark on an old mine train for the short ride into the mountain. Upon arrival, the guests encounter a sight that makes even the most seasoned trampoline park visitor, gasp in awe - a series of trampolines spanning a whopping 10,000 square feet, all connected by slides, the biggest of which is a mind-blowing 60-foot plunge, as well as, chutes and ladders. The whole experience is made even more surreal, by the vibrant colors that illuminate the cavern.

To ensure that jumpers of all ages, sizes and skill levels have fun, the giant trampolines have been set up at different heights. For extreme thrill seekers and trampoline experts, there is one that lies 180-feet above the cavern floor.

For novices and younger visitors, there is a bouncy net fitted just 20-feet from the ground. But given that all three trampolines are enclosed by nine-foot mesh walls, there is little risk of anyone falling out.

3. What are the two ziplines called? What is special about each one?

The best part is that once visitors are done with their hour-long session at Bounce Below, they can experience some of the other fun activities offered by its parent company, Zip World. These include traveling deep underground using Britain's steepest cable railway, to check out the old mines and observe quarryman demonstrating slate mining.

For those that are more interested in 'above the ground' activities, there is the choice of two ziplines - Velocity or Titan that lie within 45 minutes of each other. As you may have guessed, neither is ordinary.

The mile-long Velocity, which stands 500 feet above the ground is not just Northern Hemisphere's longest zipline, but also, its fastest, allowing daredevils to fly across at speeds exceeding 100mph.

With over 8km of ziplines, the newly opened Titan is no slouch either. Besides being the largest of its kind in Europe, it is also the first in the world to feature four lines, side-by-side. This means that families and friends can experience the thrill of flying across at 70mph, simultaneously! And they are not done yet. Zip World is now focusing its efforts on building the world's first underground zipline -

Thursday 21 August 2014


On Wednesday Keelin and I were asked by Whaea Raina to help her with the years 6s orientation the the tech block. We accepted, so after Hockey training we had Burger King,(and minimal frozen coke coming out of my nose) we got changed and went to the food tech room. We were cooking cheese sticks and 2 other boys were cooking chorizo puffs. Once we were done we took all the hot food out of the trays and put them on wire track. Then after all the people went up to the hall we cleaned up and went outside and messed around until our parents picked us up.
We also met Derek's little brother (who looks so much like him!!!!)

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Wednesday Training

This Wednesday Training we had another couch come in her name was Frankie, she did a drill that was meant to help us pass to score goals. We were in 2 teams, it was a good drill and it did help us. At the end of every training we have a game it the team usually consisted of the people wearing red against the people wearing blue. the team wearing blue won about 5 - 0. But all in all it was a good training and afterwards for a healthy snack I had a Burger King Stunner which is a creamy mayo burger, drink, fries and a sundae.

Monday 18 August 2014

Monday Training

Monday Morning Trainings start at 7:00am and end at 8:15pm. I get up at 6:00am and leave my house at 6:40am ( even though I usually don't make that time line)

This monday we started with our usual warm up which starts with a run and then stretches the stretches we do are High Knees, Sumos, Lunges, Scoops, Side Steps and Grapevine then we run back.

We worked on passing and dribbling today and at the end we played  mini game where this is 4 people on each team, one team is going towards the goal and the other is trying to get the ball between to cone on either side of the court.

For the dribbling it was a simple but helpful drill were you had to weave through cones and then take a shot at goal in this drill I learnt how to undercut from our coach. An under cut is where you open your stick so instead of hitting it in the flat our hitting it on an angle.

For the passing drill we just passed back and forward to each other.

My Goal for Aims Game ( for my team) is to get into the top 4. (and myself) to at least do 3 good undercuts at goal.

The skill I'm working on is my undercut

We have a Wednesday afternoon training and on Friday we have a game, this Friday we are playing BC girls A. We won the last time we played them.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Winter Tournament

On Friday the 1st of August we went to blake park to compete in the winter tournament for Hockey. inn the Tauranga Intermediate School A girls team there is Melia (Captain and Forward), Ash (Vice Captain and Halve), Anika (Vice Captain and Halve/Inner), Ella (Vice Captain and Forward/Inner), Rachel (Me and Forward), Abby(Forward)Rebecca( Inner), Mackenzie (Inner) Zoe (Halve), Marijke (Halve), Leka (Halve) Danielle (Back), Savannah (Back)

First up we played Te Puke Girls and we won that game 7 - 0

Secondly we played Rotorua Girls and we won that game 1 - 0

Thirdly we played Whakatane Girls and we tied that game 0 - 0 but we won in the end because we had scored more goals in previous games and we had more PC's (penalty corners)

Lastly was the final and we played Otumoetai Girls A and we WON!! the score was 2 - 0.

So once again we won the Winter Tournament for Hockey we all got medals and the trophy to keep for another year.

Selfie's at Hockey

Most of the Team (and Makaylah)

Monday 4 August 2014


For the Rimu homework challenges i will be writing a blog post each week on training, skills I am working on, games and how I did and what I am doing to improve.
Since I haven't had a training yet i haven't go anything to write but my first training of the week is tomorrow.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

1. What are androids?
Androids are robots with human apperance 

2. Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles?
The team of robots being exhibited include two beautiful females - the adult Otonaroid (Otano means adult in Japanese) and the juvenile Kodomoroid (Kodomo means child in Japanese) as well as a tiny cuddly infant-like robot called Telenoid. All three have a specific purpose. The teleoperated Otonaroid will act as the museum's robot science communicator for the duration of the exhibition. Her duties include having one-on-one conversations with visitors, which Ishighuro believes will help people become more comfortable around androids. Kodomoroid who is being touted as the world's first robo newscaster can skill fully recite the latest news gathered from around the world via an internet feed. The young girl can also speak several languages in a variety of tones ranging from a girly squeal to a deep male voice. As for Telenoid? built to behave like a minimalist human, he resembles a cuddly baby that visitors can pick up for a quick hug and even, have a short conversation with.

3. Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?
As you can imagine, building these robots is not for the faint of heart. Android researchers begin by making a complete plaster cast of a human model, right down to the teeth. They then spend hundreds of hours molding and painting the features so that the robot closely resembles the human it is being modeled after. That, is the easy part! Then starts the arduous process of installing the complex machinery and countless hours of programming so that the androids not only replicate human gestures and facial expressions, but also, think like them. It is no wonder that most scientists gravitate towards building 'easier' industrial robots.

Critical Thinking Challenge:

Some people believe android robots are cool. Others think they are a little creepy. What side are you on? Why? 
I am a fence sitter because it is cool that they have made these robots that can do stuff but it is also creepy because their faces are kinda off putting. 

Wednesday 23 July 2014

British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

1. Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?
The contest, organised by Direct Blinds an online supplier of custom window coverings, asked owners to upload photos of their pets caught performing their naughtiest deeds, on the company's Facebook page.

2. What title did Yodie win? What did he do to deserve it?
Though they were all shockingly mischievous, it was Yodie, a German Shepherd and Keeshond Cross, that captured the judges' attention. Originally from Romania,Yodie was rescued by a British charity from where he was adopted by 25-year-old Laura Vitty. The Newcastle resident says that over the years, Yodie has destroyed many items including, his own dog bed.
However, it is cushions that the pooch seems to hate the most. One of his biggest fights with them came during a two-week period when Yodie was unwell and ordered by the vet to stay at home. Vitty believes that he was so bored that he decided to attack every cushion he could put his paws on and distribute the shreds all over the house. While the mess took weeks to clean up, it is also the reason the naughty dog earned himself the title of Britain's Naughtiest Pet and his owner, £500 Pounds Sterling and some free custom blinds.

3. What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?
In second place was another dog called Harry, whose favourite hobby is to shred newspapers and magazines. The funniest and most talented however was Stoops, a black cat who came in third place - She apparently loves to open the fridge and hop in to lick the tops of the cold milk bottles.

Critical Thinking Challenge:
What is the naughtiest thing that you have seen or heard a pet do?
The naughtiest thing I have seen is my dog do she had found one of my dad's favourite rugby balls, ripped a massive hole in it and got her head stuck in the hole and could not get her head out. She was wondering around the house with this rugby ball stuck to her head.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

1. Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?
Japan's Takeru Kobayashi devoured 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes, that it gained international fame. Though Kobayashi, who won the event for six consecutive years until he was dethroned by California rookie Joey Chestnut in 2007, is long gone

2. How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began?
Joey "Jaws" Chestnut, who has dominated this competition for the last seven years. The 6-foot tall competitive eater who is currently ranked first in the world by the International Federation of Competitive Eating, demolished 61 franks in the allotted ten minutes. While that was good enough to take home the official mustard-yellow winner's belt and total prize purse of $40,000 USD, it fell short of the 69 hot dogs and buns the 30-year-old had managed to devour in 2013.
Joey, who had hoped to surpass his previous record, later admitted that he had been unable to get into his normal (eating) rhythm! Though he could not pinpoint the cause we have a feeling that it may have had something to do with the fact that his longtime girlfriend and competitive eater, Nesile Ricasa, had agreed to marry him on national television, just minutes before the competition.

3. What happened in the women's contest?
In the women's contest three-time defending women's champion Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas did not fareas well. She was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas, who inhaled 34 frankfurters, far outpacing Sonya's 27 3/4!

Critical Thinking Challenge:
What in your opinion makes food eating contests like these so popular (a) with contestants (b) with viewers?

I think that it is because they want to see if they can beat the scores of other contestants and to get a chance to be on T.V. 

I think that it is because of people are amazed by the amount people can eat and they want to know if they can eat more or if they eat less than their previous scores. 

Monday 21 July 2014

Bali Trip

1. What are these things that are all over the place in Bali.

A. They are called Canang Sari. They were offerings to the gods. Every day the Balinese either created or bought these “offerings” and laid them out for their gods. Especially in front of their temples. At a basic level the idea is similar to tithing – to give some of the blessings one receives back.

2. Find out about school in Bali
A. There are many school around Bali but this school is different. It is called Bali international School (BIS for short) BIS has a rich and proud history, dating back to 1985. Since then the school has grown quickly and now has top facilities and approximately 300 pupils from Pre-School through to Grade 12.

3. What are the fish called that make your skin soft.

A. The fish are called Garra Rufa but typically known as doctor fish. They were first used in Turkey and have become popular in some Asian countries.

4. What is batik?
A. Batik is a method (originally used in Java) of producing coloured designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed. Batik is a fabric dyeing method using wax to create patterns and designs.
This method makes use of a resist technique; applying areas of cloth with wax (a dye-resistant substance) to prevent them from absorbing colours when the cloth is dipped into dye.
Not only as a dye-resistant substance, the wax applied is also used to control colours from spreading out from a particular area to create motif when the dye is painted.

5. Who is this temple dedicated to?
A. This temple is called Saraswati Temple it in Ubud and it is dedicated to honor the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of learning, literature and art. This temple is very beautiful and artistic, so many tourists who come to see its charm, but for purposes of worship.

Thursday 26 June 2014

An Ant

We were standing on the side of the cross country track, tape and I. We were watching the cross country at Tauranga Intermediate School. I was cheering my favourite house Rimu, the red army ants. The year eight girls were getting ready to start there race next to Sophia across the front was Rachel, she was one of the only people who hadn't tried to stomp on my colony. Even though I was grounded I had snuck out to watch the race. 

Suddenly BANG!!!!!!, what was that I had wondered then I suddenly felt vibrations like a stampede I was about to yell out stampede when all the year eight girls ran past tape and I I was jumping around and everybody started cheering I thought my antennae were going to burst! I only saw Rachel from all the paint on her legs and the red "scar" that she had over her right eye. Then they all went out the gate and then nothing.

When I was paying attention again I saw a lot of people down the finishing shoot then I saw Rachel lots of people were cheering her on and she was high fiving a lot of them. She sprinted past a girl in Matai and ran across the finishing line, she came 19th and I was cheering for her the whole time but it probably only sounded like a minute squeak.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Australia's Favorite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance

Australia's Favourite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance

1. What is so special about Migaloo?
Migaloo, which means 'White Fella' in the indigenous Australian language, was called this because he is white and was first spotted off Australia's Byron Bay in 1991. The gorgeous 55-ton all-white humpback, was sighted with five other whales as they made their annual migration from the Antarctica to the breeding areas off Queensland in Western Australia

2. Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
Not surprisingly, he became an instant local darling and was immediately elevated to the status of 'special interest whale'. This means that boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from the mammal. Anybody caught violating this rule is subject to a fine exceeding $12,500 AUD.

3. Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?
Because he might be the colour he is because of hypo pigmented which is discoloured skin. No he is not the only white whale because in September 2011, Alan Fewings and his family reported seeing a white calf amongst a pod of migrating whales, near Cid Harbor off the coast of North Queensland.

Critical Thinking Challenge:

Do you think Migaloo's special colour helps or hurts him from human predators? Why
I think that it help shim because people are not allowed to hunt him or even go near him, boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from the mammal.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
The artist who name is Sarah Rosado, decided to pick cereal or to be more precise corn flakes, for her creations. The 30-year-old says that the inspiration to create artist portraits from grains of corn flakes hit her while she was eating breakfast, which comprised of well . . . corn flakes, and listening to oldies and R&B music.

2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
Each masterpieces take 5 hours to create. But the end result as you can see, is quite stunning.

3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013?. Among Rosado's many cereal art celebrity creations are 'the king of pop', Michael Jackson, Reggae legend Bob Marley, R&B singer Alicia Keys, as well as, former Beatle, John Lennon. The kind of art Rosando unveiled in 2013 was a series of artwork that was made entirely from dirt

Critical Thinking Challenge:
Why do you think that artist picked Corn Flakes and not any other cereal? Can you think of any other everyday food that could be used to create art?
I think that she choose cornflakes because they were her inspiration and she was eating them at the time. Other everyday food you could use probably are raisins , marshmallows, melted chocolate and a spread of some sort along with others.  

Tuesday 17 June 2014

114-Foot Tower In Budapest Is The World's Tallest Lego Structure

114-Foot Tower In Budapest Is The World's Tallest Lego Structure

1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?
The most recent tallest structure was in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest which is in Hungary. The people who built the Lego structure was elementary students in Budapest requested a team of official Lego builders from Denmark.

2. What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?  In order for the Lego tower to be eligible for the Guinness World Records,  wires were removed that were secure the tower while building. But that or the fact that it had been built using no adhesives (another requirement).

3. Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?
Because this record was broken three times in 2012 alone.

Critical Thinking Challenge:

What in your opinion makes building 'the world's tallest Lego structure' so popular?
The fact that peopl are trying to get a world record and they are doing it in public so people want to know whats going on, and that it might be broken by people fro there country.

Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles

Vegetarian Crocodiles? You Better Believe It!

1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm? The unusual thing about the Nyanyana crocodile farm is the crocodile are vegetarian, they are mellower and the sleep most of the day and there skin is softer than normal crocodiles where usually when the are wild they eat meat they are more violent and they don't sleep much, and they have tough skin which is probably like an armour to protect them and it would be hard to penetrate.

2. How did they turn this way
The crocodile turned out the way they are because the Zimbabwe in 2006 area went through a economic crisis and the company could not afford and could not find any cheap meat so the put the crocodiles on pellets that were a mix of meat and vegetables. After noticing that the change in diet did not seem to deter the reptile's growth, they gradually eliminated the meat completely and are now raising crocodiles that are 100% vegetarian., so they started to out the meat part and keep the vegetable, This made the skin soft and the reptiles more mellower and sleeper.

3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?
The crocodiles are bred for there skin and their skins which are sold to European tanneries where it is transformed into leather and sold to fashion houses like Hermes and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes and belts. They are slaughtered when they are 30 months old when they are about 1 and half meters long and it easier to cut of their skin because it is soft and supple.

Critical Thinking Challenge
How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? Is it different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? why?
I think that it is unnecessary for the to kill crocodiles for only their skin. They should be keep for seeing proposes or showing that crocodiles can be turned into vegetarians. I think it is different and it is not from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat because they are used as food and other proposes but then its a living thing so the shouldn't be killed but then they are food that people rely on.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Word Search

13-Year-Old Indian Girl Becomes The Youngest Female To Conquer The Everest!

1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?

Malavath was the youngest female to climb Mount Everest. The author probably thinks that its so admirable, the someone the age of 13 can be brave enough to go up Mount Everest because some people have died trying to climb the dangerous mountain.

2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?

Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute for two weeks. After that, only two younger people were chosen, and one was Malavath. Once Malavath had climbed to the advanced camp, she got altitude sickness and was sent back down to base camp. After three days, she didn't want to give up so she continued climbing.

3. How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?
It took the team 52 days to reach the summit and Malavath hopes that her achievements will inspire underprivileged people and girls all over the world, to try achieve their dreams.

Sunday 4 May 2014

TELI time Project

Who are these two famous NZ men and why are they famous?

The first mans name is Willie Apatia. He is famous for getting the Victoria Cross, he got it for carrying a gravely injured comrade across the battlefield. He was the first New Zealander to get the award.

The second mans name is Jerry Matepare.

He is famous for being the Governor - General of New Zealand and he was the Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force between 2006 and 2011 and he was the second maori person to hold the Office.

Monday 7 April 2014


Protect Maths

Khan Academy

Student led conferences

How did it go? - I think it went ok.

What was it like having them in class? - It was cool having him in class and showing him my work.

What did they like about the process? - He liked the fact that it was short and concise. The one on one meeting was nice and personal and he liked the opportunity to see how I am doing against national standards.

What did you like? - It was quick and I had the rest of the day off.

What would you/they like to do differently next time? - Dad: I am quite happy with that format.

Me - It was good I liked it.

Jack the Ripper

Student led conferences - Homework

How did it go? - I think it went ok. 
What was it like having them in class? - It was cool having him in class and showing him my work.  
What did they like about the process? -  He liked the fact that it was short and concise. The one on one meeting was nice and personal and he liked the opportunity to see how I am doing against national standards.What did you like? - It was quick and I had the rest of the day off. 
What would you/they like to do differently next time? - Dad: I am quite happy with that  format.
Me - It was good I liked it

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Swimming Sports Recount

Swimming Recount Blog post

WALT: identify area of need from writing sample feedback and make a conscious effort to improve that area.

SC: Co-constructed
- paragraphs if a focus
- Punctuation that you don’t normally use
- similes and vocabulary that you dont normally use - thesaurus
- Ideas - simple to complex. Lots of detail.

My focus is vocabulary.

The cold icy water splashed my face as I jumped into the pool. I popped up as the warm afternoon breeze hit my face, and next to me Keelin and Zoe came out of the water breaching like whales. “ Sup” I told them they looked at me like a was a creature of the deep. Thats when I noticed Zoe was wearing her hat it was my turn to look at her like she was a creature of the deep. “ Why do you have your hat on” her answer was “ I burn easily” Then someone pushed her from behind she fell over her hat got soaking wet. “ Noooooooo” she exclaimed dramatically. Thats when the war started. Not actually, the boys
( Zane, Matthew, Derek and Davin )  started trying to steal Zoe’s hat and the girls ( Zoe, Keelin and I ) were trying to get it back we got it back and then they tried again and again and again but we got it back every time and that ended in a splash war which the girls won that as well. So all in all GIRLS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!