Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles

Vegetarian Crocodiles? You Better Believe It!

1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm? The unusual thing about the Nyanyana crocodile farm is the crocodile are vegetarian, they are mellower and the sleep most of the day and there skin is softer than normal crocodiles where usually when the are wild they eat meat they are more violent and they don't sleep much, and they have tough skin which is probably like an armour to protect them and it would be hard to penetrate.

2. How did they turn this way
The crocodile turned out the way they are because the Zimbabwe in 2006 area went through a economic crisis and the company could not afford and could not find any cheap meat so the put the crocodiles on pellets that were a mix of meat and vegetables. After noticing that the change in diet did not seem to deter the reptile's growth, they gradually eliminated the meat completely and are now raising crocodiles that are 100% vegetarian., so they started to out the meat part and keep the vegetable, This made the skin soft and the reptiles more mellower and sleeper.

3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?
The crocodiles are bred for there skin and their skins which are sold to European tanneries where it is transformed into leather and sold to fashion houses like Hermes and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes and belts. They are slaughtered when they are 30 months old when they are about 1 and half meters long and it easier to cut of their skin because it is soft and supple.

Critical Thinking Challenge
How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? Is it different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? why?
I think that it is unnecessary for the to kill crocodiles for only their skin. They should be keep for seeing proposes or showing that crocodiles can be turned into vegetarians. I think it is different and it is not from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat because they are used as food and other proposes but then its a living thing so the shouldn't be killed but then they are food that people rely on.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, your sentences are way too long. Try and keep each sentence about the same topic. Why is it different that cows and chickens are used as food? We don't need to eat meat or chicken!
